March 27, 2011

101 Ways to Meditate by Linda A. Lavid

I'll just throw it out there from the start - I do a lot of self-study, reflecting, etc. but have no experience with meditation. I agreed to review this book with the hope that I would gain some insight into it, which I did and I also realized that I'm probably not going to add meditation as one of my hobbies anytime in the near future. I know it's beneficial and helpful to those who use it, but I've already got enough things that I'm trying to fit into my day, including my own sort of daily reflection and study, and meditation just doesn't fit in right now.

But enough about me, let's get on to the book itself. 101 Ways to Meditate is broken up into four separate what I'm going to call sections. The first section is a couple of pages long and is supposed to prepare you for the book and for meditation itself. The second section includes information regarding meditation basics - things you should know for every type of meditation like doing it for 20 minutes, using a journal, etc. The third section is what the book is all about, the 101 ways to meditate. But in reality after reviewing the different ways to meditate, I felt like they were more along the lines of things to meditate upon like a beautiful moment, someone you love, or a desire you have. The basic premise of each way to meditate is the same, which is where the basics of meditation come in.

And the final section is a 30 day meditation journal where you're supposed to write and draw regarding your experience with that day's meditation. Each day has a different meditation topic to use from the list of 101 in the previous section so you're guided in your meditation. And that's it. Guidelines, topics, and an area to reflect all wrapped up into one nice short book.

Like my review of Blessed Beyond Measure, I feel like this could be a helpful book to the right person. It is organized neatly into different sections that make everything easy to find, but I'm not sure this would be my first resource to pick up if I were to start in on meditation. And I was actually a little confused with the journal at the end that walked you through 30 different meditation topics in a seemingly unknown order (#1, #22, #97, #14, etc.). The journal itself actually just felt like an appendix rather than an actual part of the whole.

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