May 17, 2011

May Read-A-Thon Summary

Last week I asked everyone to vote on books for me to read during my read-a-thon this weekend while my husband was out of town. I had great ambitions to get through at least five books including The Glass Castle, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and Elegance of the Hedgehog. There are really only two words to describe my experience - epic fail.

For the first time in months, I actually got bored reading. I started out by finishing up a book called Snowflake Obsidian (review coming on Weds), which I finished Thursday night. It was a little depressing so I decided to hold off on Glass Castle until later in the weekend. Sadly, I never got the momentum I was looking for and never actually got to Glass Castle. Throughout the weekend I would pick up a book, sit down on my bed to read, and fall asleep. And finally, I just got bored, not bored with the books but bored with reading in general. By Sunday night when I was about half way through with book four, I was done.

I definitely learned my lesson. Kind of like in high school when I was forced to read the classics, reading because I am "required to" wasn't fun, and I probably read less this weekend, because of my goal, than I would have if I just set out to enjoy the weekend and read for fun amongst other things. And I definitely enjoyed the books less than I may have taking my time with them.

Even though it was not the most fun I've ever had, I did end up finishing four books - Snowflake Obsidian, How Huge the Night, Like Dandelion Dust, and Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Reviews to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for you to read "The Glass Castle" - it's a fantastic read! :)


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