October 6, 2009

What I Thought I Knew by Alice Eve Cohen

I apologize for my hiatus of reviewing, but it turns out that having a two year old and a newborn baby in the house doesn't leave much time for reading! We welcomed our second son into our family on September 10th and it's been a real roller-coaster ride ever since. It was only because of a visit to the grandparents, who were more than happy to handle my toddler, that I was able to read this book!

Imagine being suddenly stricken by mysterious symptoms that have both you and the numerous doctors you are seeing perplexed. Ultimately, you are sent for an emergency CAT scan and you are terrified because you're sure it's going to reveal a life threatening tumor in your abdomen. Instead.....surprise! You're six months pregnant!

This is what happens to Alice Eve Cohen and she describes her incredible journey to becoming a mother to her second (and only biological) child in her memoir, What I Thought I Knew. After spending her entire life being told she was infertile and taking daily hormone treatments, 44 year old Cohen is given the shock of her life that turns her world upside down. This memoir grabs you from the get-go because you think, "How could you possibly not know you were pregnant?" The reader goes through this experience with the author and it is nothing short of heartbreaking as she is put through one ethical dilemma after another, confronting issues ranging from late term abortion to gential assignment surgery.

A concise, well-written account of a true story, What I Thought I Knew is a real page turner that certainly challenged my ideas of what I thought I knew about pregnancy and what is right and wrong when it comes to the life that pregnancy creates. It describes in no uncertain terms what can only be referred to as the "gray area" that so many of us struggle with when it comes to our beliefs and Cohen takes us along with her as she wrestles with her own decisions. Great book!


  1. This sounds very interesting! I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 months along.

    Congrats on your new little arrival!

  2. Sounds interesting. Definitely something strange to think about!

    Congrats on your new little one. No apology needed...you have your hands full!


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