Although he had a letter of employment in hand when arriving in Philibuster, his employer, the crooked Mayor, Westmoreland, decided to give his job away to a family member. Joseph, now desperate for a job, food and a way to support his children continues his daily struggle for survival. Along the way he makes some friends and many enemies. He loses a good friend and almost his children. And he finds love.
It is a story of hope for the hopeless. And for once, the good guy wins.
Predergast's writing is beautiful. He carefully lays out each detail vividly. I know what the city of Philibuster looks like. I can get to the local shop from Joseph's house. But, for my own liking, I found this book to be too slow. With all the description, there was not much room left for dialogue. Long passages of prose left my eyes heavy. Also, most of the action takes place in the last quarter of the book... and the journey to get there is long and tiresome... as I'm sure it was for Joseph as well! Just not my cup of tea.
2 Stars
I received a complementary copy of this book for the purpose of this review. This is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Ditto, Lisa. Exactly my impression -- you're six chapters in and he's only just lost his first job in Phillibuster. Great writer, but leaden plotting.