July 16, 2009

Til Debt Do Us Part by Michelle Larks

I was given Til Debt Do Us Part by the publisher to review. This is Michelle Larks' newest book; her first book is currently being made into a movie to be released in 2010. I liked this book but didn't love it. The book is about Nikki, a woman who seemingly has it all, and her struggle for control within her marriage. Her husband Jeff typically takes care of everything, including their finances, and Nikki just goes along for the ride. That is until she asks for permission to take over the fiances for a while. Nikki's best friend Maya invites her to spend a night of entertainment at the casino with her, and the problems begin. The story revolves around Nikki's addiction to gambling and how she tries to overcome her addiction and the debts she's made.

The things I liked:
  • The in-depth look at addiction and what it does to a person.
  • The true to life characters: Nikki the woman who feels out of control, Jeff- the husband who feels he needs to be in control; Lindsay- the jealous friend who can't do anything but bring Nikki down; Maya- the best friend who helps Nikki hold it together, and Mama Baldwin- Nikki's loving mom who wants nothing more than to help her daughter in any way she can.
  • The realistic plot. This could and does happen every day.

Things I didn't like:
  • I feel like the author took the easy way out by throwing in a major crisis (other than the addiction) near the end of the book. Rather than having to deal with the havoc Nikki's choices made and getting through those trials together, the characters are faced with a much larger crisis that outplays the financial woes and gambling addiction. I would have liked to see how the plot and relationships played out without throwing in a life or death/ someone we love died so I'm not mad at you anymore situation.
  • It was a little too overly religious for me. I typically really like Christian fiction, but I was kind of skipping over the full scriptures toward the end of the book to get back to the story.
So overall I liked this book but was a little disappointed with last few chapters. I would have liked to see Jeff and Nikki have to figure out their problems without the solution being given to them like I felt it was. I would recommend this book to anyone really. It's a wholesome and pretty easy read. 3 stars.


  1. I have to say I agree with your assessment of the book.

  2. Hey Britni, Thanks for posting your review and introducing your blog readers to Michelle Larks.


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